Star Trek: blog task
The five most significant aspects of the Star Trek campaign & why they were important in creating a buzz about the game.
- June 2011 - E3 announcement and teaser trailer - it is important because it initially establishes the existence of the game and generates discussion and curiosity about the game
- June 2012 – E3Website and Twitter feed launchedUpdates on FacebookGame enemy (Gorn) announcedGameplay footage posted onlineGame producer Brian Miller interviewed - Important because it creates the social media access for target audiences or 'Trekkies' to gain further game information and get involved with the social aspect of promotion. Gameplay footage proves as convincing, informative and boosts discussion.
December 2012Trailer posted on Paramount websiteRelease date announced - Important in creating a buzz because it creates anticipation for the game's release and gives further information on the game.
February 2013
Retailers post circulars online‘Making of’ video releasedUK launch event at the Science Museum - Events appealing to the target market and further reference from game retailers will develop a mass buzz because the game becomes more publicised and acknowledged.
March 2013Official advert releasedPre-order promotional boxes arrive in storesGame co-promoted TV and radio adverts - Preorders enable a mass generation if immediate sales pre-release as well as broadcast adverts to promote the videogame further.
- the teaser trailer of Star Trek will appeal to its target audience because of its selective inclusion of scenes which are action-packed and feature popular weapons and characters from the film.
- the XBOX teaser trailer uses cross-promotion with XBOX to appeal further to XBOX owners as they will assume the game to specialised for their owned console.
- the full trailer released in April 2013 presents a narrative of the videogame cinematically, associated with known Star Trek references which the audience will recognise.
- The comedy trailer features former acting star of the Star Trek films from many years ago. The audience recognises this figure and according to the 'Blumer & Katz - uses and gratifications theory', the audience will immediately develop a personal relationship with William Shatner. The trailer provides a comical hence entertaining aspect which will engage the audience and yet inform them with the references made to Star Trek. This is an effective form of entertaining celebrity endorsement.
- These trailers collectively gained nearly 200,000 views.
- The Star Trek videogame publisher developed the marketing campaign over such a long time to generate a continuing interest via curiosity about the game - creating a buzz.
In conclusion, despite of the game being recognised as a failure and a poorly made game, the marketing campaign was fairly successful because of the mass number of pre-orders gained.

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